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A useful tool working with GSM cells and GPS position data. It allows assigning various actions to be automatically performed while entering or exiting a specific location: play a sound, change profile, launch an application, send SMS or e-mail and many other actions.

Main features:

* Grouping several GSM cells into one location and working with it;
* Specifying a GPS position and accuracy radius for a location;
* Sound and text alerts upon location change;
* Assigning various actions performed upon entering or exiting a location;
* Ability to rename GSM cells, tagging them with intelligible labels;
* Detailed information on GSM cells;
* Intuitive easy to use user interface;

What's new in Best GSMNavigator for S60 3rd and 5th edition version 1.03:

* S60 3rd edition and S60 5th edition versions are merged;
* Issue with GSM location is fixed;
* Chinese localization is added;

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  1. enom // October 21, 2010 at 2:09 PM  

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  2. UmbulMartani Download Software // December 11, 2010 at 7:29 PM  

    Misi ya .. numpang tenar ..

  3. Unknown // February 6, 2011 at 2:41 PM  
  4. Arashi Kensho // February 26, 2011 at 4:37 PM  

    arashi kensho
    mas saya mau tanya nih,, aplikasi ini bisa berjalan di semua hape nokia gak misalnya Nokia 3110c dll

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