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Bloove is web-based mobile phone management service. Edit your contacts, make calls and work with SMS using your favorite browser. Bloove is like PC Suite for the web. It allows you to manage your phone via web browser without cables or Bluetooth. Only data connection is needed.


With Bloove it is easy to create, edit and delete contacts on your phone. Our goal is to provide as much abilities as possible on the phone itself. So Bloove supports changing contact attributes, custom labels, multiple field instances, setting of default values, contact pictures.

Contacts on SIM

You can edit SIM contacts the same way as usual. Plus you can copy contacts from SIM to phone memory and vice versa.

Contact archive

If you have a large contact list, not all contacts are needed all the time. You can move rarely used contacts to the Archive and get more free space on the phone. Once you need these contacts you can always move them back.

Message folders

Bloove provides access to messages in your Inbox, Sent and other folders. User folders can be created, renamed or deleted. You can move messages between folders.

Message archive

If you delete a message on the phone, its archived copy will be stored on the server. You can archive any messages and folders using our web interface - archived items are deleted from the phone and kept on the server. Use archive function to unclutter your phone and free some space. You can search and browse through your entire message list regardless if a message is archived or not. You can always restore archived messages to the phone in case you need them. Delete forever command deletes messages both on the phone and on the server completely and can't be undone.

Send message/Initiate call

You can send a message either by entering number manually or choosing it from your contact list. Bloove supports sending messages to multiple recipients. If you are sending a long message, it is usually divided into smaller parts. Bloove automatically calculates the number of parts to be send. There is an option to send a Flash SMS, which immediately appears on a recipient phone screen.

You can initiate your call remotely on the phone either by entering number manually or choosing it from your contact list. Bloove doesn't route voice channel to your computer, it just dials the number. You can speak as usual with your phone or headset.

Browser bookmarks

You can add, edit and delete browser bookmarks and bookmark folders on your phone.

Phone logs

Bloove provides access to logs of your incoming, dialed and missed calls - with call time and duration and links to the corresponding contact. Data usage logs (connection time, bytes sent and received) are also available. All logs from the phone are archived on the server without any specific command from the user. If you delete log record, it will be deleted both from the server and the phone and it can't be undone.

Speed dials

Bloove allows checking and editing your speed dial settings. Speed Dial can be assigned from contact edit form, or all speed dials can be edited in one list.


Bloove makes phone screenshot and displays it on the phone Properties page. You can just right-click on it and save it to the file.

SMS via POP3

You can export all your messages into any Mail client supporting POP3 protocol (GMail, Outlook, Yahoo Mail and many others). Use this feature if you want to have all your email and sms communication in one place.

Multiple phones per account

You can copy contacts, messages and bookmarks from one phone to another. You can use this feature to have your data on both your phones (if you are a lucky user of 2) or to restore data from a lost or reformatted phone.

After downloading and installing agent go to with using your desktop browser, sign up for an account (only user name and password or OpenID is required) and connect your phone to the account by entering ID displayed by agent.

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