Personalized greetings for every caller -
Imagine being able to leave different greetings, for different callers - One for your boss telling him you're running late to work. Another for your friends, saying you'll meet them at the bar after work, and another for your girlfriend, saying how much you love her. Now imagine being able to not only leave personalized greetings, but also send out personalized text messages in response to a call, or even BlackList certain people you don't wish to speak to.

Now you can! You can do all of this and more with AutoPilot. AutoPilot effectively replaces three separate programs all for the price of just ONE! Not only that, but AutoPilot truly is the best Answering Machine type program available on the market. AutoPilot is compatible with all Series 60 Devices.
Set default auto response and save voice messages directly to your phone's internal memory without using your operator's voice mail Set personalized voice responses and save voice messages Personalized SMS Auto Responder (when somebody calls, the SMS response will be sent) Reject unwanted calls (blacklist feature) Call back the received call numbers Save local voice clip files Get complete call log Playback saved voice messages Transfer saved voice messages via Infrared, Bluetooth, Email or MMS
Compatible phone : Nokia 3250, 5500, 5700, 6110, 6120, 6121, 6210, 6220, 6290, E50, E51, E60, E61, E61i, E62, E65, E70, E90, N71, N73, N75, N76, N77, N78, N80, N81, N81 8GB, N91, N92, N93, N95, N95 8GB, Nokia N96, LG KS10, Samsung SGH-G810
Installation :
1) Install to the internal device memory for optimum performance
2) REG: 151515
Download here :
http://www.easy-share.com/1904053391/ISO-8859-1__Killer Mobile AutoPilot v2.00 FIX S60v3 SymbianOS9.1 cr@cked XENA1997-OPDA.rar
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