Trekbuddy is a J2ME application to be used with a GPS receiver. It is designed to work with every Java-enabled device.
It features capabilities such as :
* GPS tracking and simple navigation
* Bitmap maps (without zoom, you can store bitmap maps with different resolution instead)
* Arrange maps as atlas for increasing and decreasing resolution
* Trackloging in NMEA or GPX format
* Compas screen (HPS)
* Cockpit screen (CMS)
* Location sharing via SMS with other trekbuddies
and more.
It supports most commonly used map projections and grids, such as
Transverse Mercator
Universal Transverse Mercator
Swedish Grid
British National Grid
Irish Grid
Swiss Grid
Lambert France I-IV
as well as custom datums.
As a location source
bluetooth or serial port GPS
internal (integrated) GPS
NMEA file
O2 Germany network
may be used.
Changelog v0.9.83 :
- fixed some bugs in 0.9.82/a
- simple main menu with easy access for touchscreen devices (see new screen layout). Open it with touch at bottom-left corner (again, see layout in User Guide), hide similarily (or by touching just outside of command "buttons") Attached you may see a picture from real device.
Download for free at Ziddu
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